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Maximise Space and Efficiency with a Stacked Washer Dryer

Written by Speed Queen Team | Jan 30, 2024 11:59:24 PM
Discover the mind-blowing potential of a stacked washer dryer to revolutionize your space and turbocharge efficiency. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when considering this space-smart solution.

Creating More Floor Space

Using a stacked washer creates more floor space, allowing for a safer environment with reduced risk of accidents. The compact design frees up valuable space for storage, freedom of movement or play areas (in the case of child care centers).

Streamlining Laundry Processes

With a stacked washer dryer, you can conveniently wash and dry all items in one compact unit.

The stacked design allows for easy transfer of laundry from the washer to the dryer, minimising the time and effort required. Aside from being able to spend time doing other tasks, it makes doing laundry simpler and easier... which everyone appreciates. By streamlining the laundry processes, you can ensure that clean and dry laundry is always readily available.

Enhancing Energy Efficiency

When energy efficiency is an important consideration (when is it not!?), a stacked washer dryer can help enhance energy efficiency. These units are designed to be highly efficient, using less water and electricity compared to traditional separate washer and dryer units.

By investing in an energy-efficient stacked washer dryer, you can not only reduce your environmental impact but also save on utility bills. This can be particularly beneficial for organisations that operate on a tight operations budget. 

Choosing the Right Stacked Washer Dryer

When it comes to choosing the right stacked washer dryer, there are several factors to consider. Firstly, you'll want to ensure that the unit has the capacity to handle your capacity of laundry. Look for a washer with a large drum size and a dryer with sufficient drying capacity.

Additionally, consider the specific needs of your organisation. Do you require special features such as sanitizing cycles or adjustable temperature settings? We can help you figure out what product best meets your specific requirements.

It's also important to consider the maintenance and repair services available. Choose a brand that offers reliable customer support and easy access to replacement parts. Regular maintenance and prompt repairs will extend the lifespan of your unit and enable uninterrupted laundry services.

Vended or non-vended?  A good supplier has a range of options for every use case - eg customer laundries vs in-house equipment for a child care center.

Lastly, but most importantly, choose a brand that is reliable!  Speed Queen washers are tested to over 10,000 cycles... they are made to withstand years of commercial use.

Maintenance and Care Tips

Even the most expensive, most durable equipment needs maintenance.  To keep your stacked washer dryer in optimal condition, it's important to follow proper maintenance and care tips. Regularly clean the lint filter in the dryer to prevent lint buildup, which can reduce drying efficiency and pose a fire hazard. Clean the washer drum and detergent dispenser regularly to prevent mold and mildew growth.

It's also recommended to check and clean the venting system of the dryer to ensure proper airflow and prevent potential fire hazards. Schedule regular inspections and maintenance checks by a professional to identify and address any issues before they escalate.

Lastly, educate your staff on proper usage and care of the stacked washer dryer. Provide clear instructions on loading and unloading laundry, selecting appropriate settings, and reporting any malfunctions or abnormalities. By promoting proper usage and care, you can maximize the lifespan of your stacked washer dryer and ensure smooth laundry operations for years.