Over recent years, sustainability and environmentalism have become bigger and bigger topics, with many companies integrating these ideals into their goals and objectives. Of course, it isn't always only charitable intentions that drive these goals, as often increased sustainability can lead to reduced costs via less wastage of inputs, which is definitely the case for water levels. This article will tackle how water usage can reduce your laundry carbon footprint in your commercial laundry system, whether for a small laundromat or a massive hotel.
Here are some tips on how to reduce your laundry carbon footprint by adjusting water levels:
Use a front-loading washing machine.
Front-loading washing machines use less water and energy than top-loading machines. These machines use gravity to agitate the clothes instead of a central agitator, which requires more water and energy. For more info about front-loading machines, check out our products.

Use an advanced, effective washing machine.
This is where commercial laundry machines excel. High-efficiency commercial washing machines are optimised for effective, efficient operation. Speed Queen commercial laundry washers also feature Quantum controls, which provide features such as auto leak detection, and water fill settings, so you only use as much water as is necessary.
Wash full loads.
Washing full loads of laundry reduces the number of loads you need to wash and, in turn, reduces the amount of water and energy used. We aren't saying never do half loads, sometimes emergencies happen. But from a sustainability perspective, full loads are much more efficient.
Use the appropriate water level for the load size.
Make sure to check the load size and use the appropriate water level. Overfilling the washing machine wastes water energy, and time. This is because it takes more energy and time to heat and move the water to clean your garments. This tip has the added bonus of increasing your commercial laundry machines' life, as overloading is one of the leading causes of breakdowns.
Managing the exact water levels, or only doing full loads can be frustrating and tedious. But even if you aren't a true environmental believer who wants to save water, these tips can still help save you some cash on utility spending.
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