Location is one of the most important factors to consider when setting up a new laundromat. We've written an article on how to choose the best possible site, which covers how you should consider the physical location, size of the site, parking availability, nearby environment, and the local demographics.
Now the last point is a little difficult to do all by yourself, which is why our local distributors are there to help! As part of helping you set up your laundromat, they provide demographic reports on potential site locations.
Knowing is half the battle
The demographic reports are categorised by distance from the site, so you can see various statistics for households within 1, 2 and 3 kilometers. Each report provides a staggering amount of information. You don't need to guess the number of people by age group, income, car ownership, dwelling type...
Gross weekly individual income or the weekly household income can tell you how much of a need there is for a laundromat within the community. Motor vehicle statistics can tell you how important parking is for your potential site. Age demographics can tell you whether there are lots of families with teenagers who create endless amounts of laundry... Our authorised local distributors help you analyse this information to understand the potential for your site and the types of customers you should be catering to.

Finally, the report also includes some projections of age and income levels which provide some insight into how successful a site could be in the long term.
The secret sauce
Through decades of experience building hundreds of laundromats, our distributors understand things others don't. Two factors you may never have thought of make excellent locations. One is the nationality of people in the surrounding area - eg people from the UK have a long history of laundromat (laundrette) use, so will flock to one in their neighbourhood. Secondly, the proportion of rental properties correlates to laundromat use.
Want a report for your location?
Speed Queen has a long history of helping laundromats grow and succeed. Whether it's through our machines, advice or something else entirely, we ensure you have the best possible chance of success. If you don't believe us, check our article on one of our laundromats which recently made some unbelievable record profits. Or check out a full, real-life, laundromat P&L.