A Truckload of Laundry

by Speed Queen Team | Mar 22, 2021 | on Washer, maintenance, Dryer, Life, Advice

When you've got a truckload of washing to do, you need a truckload of washers.

The Crazy Things We Do to Our Machines...

by Speed Queen Team | Aug 4, 2020 | on Extend, Life

We know our washers and dryers are tough. Soooo tough.

Can a Washer Live Forever?

by Speed Queen Team | Aug 4, 2020 | on Washer, Extend, Life

There are many reasons why our commercial washers and dryers are so popular.

Making A Laundrette A True Passive Income

by Speed Queen Team | Aug 4, 2020 | on Insider, laundromat, laundrette

There are three reasons why owners of launderettes/laundromats choose cashless operation instead of coin. But they all add up to one main reason....

Instant Tax Write-off Extension

by Speed Queen Team | Apr 22, 2020 | on

Purchase and install Speed Queen commercial washers and dryers before 30 June and write-off the cost immediately! Under the Australian Government instant asset write-off scheme businesses can:

Australia's First Laundromat

by Speed Queen Team | Apr 16, 2020 | on Washer, Dryer

From our archives we found a classic pic of Australia's first self-serve coin laundromat.

COVID-19: Materials for Your Laundrette

by Speed Queen Team | Mar 27, 2020 | on Washer, Dryer

Speed Queen USA has put together some great materials that you might find useful for your Laundromat.

COVID-19: Advice for laundries

by Speed Queen Team | Mar 18, 2020 | on Washer, Dryer

With all the talk about the coronavirus pandemic, what’s the official word about washing clothes and best laundry practices to reduce infection risk? While we can’t help you find a store that sells toilet…

Which laundry machines do Blue Man Group use?

by Speed Queen Team | Feb 18, 2020 | on Washer, Dryer

When you have to clean clothes that are covered in blue paint day in and day out, you get pretty good at it.

How to find the perfect laundromat site

by Speed Queen Team | Dec 6, 2019 | on Washer, Dryer, Advice, laundromat, laundrette

5 Simple things to look for Finding the perfect location for a laundromat isn’t complicated when you know what to look for. These are the key things to look out for when trying to find the perfect…

The Benefits of Bringing Laundry In-house - On Premise Laundry

by Speed Queen Team | Dec 6, 2019 | on Washer, Dryer, Advice

Three Reasons To Consider The 3 critical benefits of an in-house laundry are too often overlooked by organisations that provide accommodation or hospitality services. These aren't just theory - we can…

Speed Queen Shows Its Support for Mums

by Speed Queen Team | Dec 6, 2019 | on Community

Sometimes laundry means much more than just laundry. For the Geelong Mums - a Victorian charity that supports families in need - doing laundry means cleaning donated clothing and bedding before providing…

Four Ways to Extend the Life of Your Commercial Washer or Dryer

by Speed Queen Team | Dec 4, 2019 | on Washer, Dryer, Advice

Tips for Washers Use these Handy tips to make sure that your washers are as efficient, clean and durable as possible.