Your Crash Course in Laundry Industry Terms

by Speed Queen Team | Mar 4, 2025 | on Washer, Dryer, Community, Advice

Running a successful laundry operation means knowing more than just how to press ‘start.’ If laundry lingo sounds like a foreign language, don’t worry—you won’t need a translator, just this guide. Whether…

Commercial vs. Industrial Washing Machines and Dryers: A Matter of Durability and Features

by Speed Queen Team | Sep 30, 2024 | on Dryer, Community, Advice

The terms "commercial" and "industrial" washing machines often get tossed around as if they’re worlds apart, but the real difference is more about durability and features than just size. While both…

Maximise Space and Efficiency with a Stacked Washer Dryer

by Speed Queen Team | Jan 31, 2024 | on Washer, Dryer

Discover the mind-blowing potential of a stacked washer dryer to revolutionize your space and turbocharge efficiency. Here are some key factors to keep in mind when considering this space-smart solution.

A Comparison: Commercial vs. Consumer Washing Machines

by Speed Queen Team | Dec 20, 2023 | on Washer, Dryer, Advice

Discover the key differences between commercial and typical consumer washing machines and make an informed decision for your laundry needs.

Why aren't there stacked washers?

by Speed Queen Team | Aug 30, 2023 | on Washer, Dryer

Stacked washer-dryers and stacked dryers have been available in the commercial space for many years. They are a staple for any environment where the floor space of a site must be optimised. However,…

A sneak peek in commercial laundry innovation - condenser dryer

by Speed Queen Team | Jul 5, 2023 | on Insider, Dryer, Company

Here at Speed Queen, we've innovation is second nature. Our cloud-connected equipment, excluder lip seals for extreme protection against fine particles and now... the industry's largest commercial…

Military Grade Machines

by Speed Queen Team | Dec 9, 2022 | on Washer, Dryer

When you think of our defence force, your first thought might not be about laundry. Instead, you'd probably picture one of two things; soldiers caked from head to toe in a layer of mud, or rows upon rows…

Silly ways to kill your Speed Queen

by Speed Queen Team | Jun 30, 2022 | on Washer, maintenance, Dryer, Advice

Our machines are some of the toughest out there, and they can handle almost anything you throw in them. Almost. For example, horse blanket buckles won't do dryers any good at all... Unfortunately, our…

Why are my towels taking so long to dry?

by Speed Queen Team | Jun 22, 2022 | on Dryer, Advice

Why are my towels taking so long to dry? This is one of those questions almost everyone doing laundry has asked themselves at some point. Whether you're working in hospitality, healthcare, education, or…

Better be safe than sorry! Preventing spontaneous combustion.

by Speed Queen Team | Mar 29, 2022 | on Washer, maintenance, Dryer, Advice

You've probably never heard of spontaneous combustion in dryers. Good. It's rare - but does happen. Speed Queen dryers are built to last and designed to minimise the risk of fire, but there are 3 simple…

Out with the old, in with the old.

by Speed Queen Team | Mar 24, 2022 | on Washer, Dryer, Advice

On Tuesday 1 March 2022, Speed Queen Equipment Sales (SQES) was purchased by the father and son team of Ross and Duncan Gardiner. SQES was established by the Cameron family in 1962 and was not only one of…

5 Laundry myths debunked

by Speed Queen Team | Feb 9, 2022 | on Washer, Dryer, Advice

Here at Speed Queen, our laundry experts have heard all kinds of laundry 'tips'. They range from advice to get difficult stains out, how to get cleaner laundry, or ways to reduce costs during each cycle.…

5 Quick tips to maximise the life of commercial laundry machines

by Speed Queen Team | Feb 1, 2022 | on Washer, maintenance, Dryer, Advice

Our machines are the toughest commercial laundry equipment because they are built to last. This might sound like marketing fluff, but Speed Queen products have demonstrated their extraordinary lifespan…

How many cricket balls fit in a 91kg dryer?

by Speed Queen Team | Dec 23, 2021 | on Washer, Dryer, Advice

So many options... Our product range can be dizzying at first, because it offers a wide range of solutions to meet almost any requirement. Machines cn vary in size, control type, efficiency, and even…

Data driven decisions on laundromat locations

by Speed Queen Team | Sep 23, 2021 | on Washer, Dryer, laundromat, laundrette

Location is one of the most important factors to consider when setting up a new laundromat. We've written an article on how to choose the best possible site, which covers how you should consider the…